
By Dr. DK Hari and Dr. Hema Hari 12-year old Ajai and his grandfather are having a conversation about Vishu, the Malayalam New Year’s Day. It is quite an insightful dialogue that sheds light on the various aspects of this special day. Come and enjoy some very interesting facts about Vishu! Hello Ajai!Continue Reading

With countdown already begun to commission indigenous aircraft carrier 1 as INS Vikrant in August 2022, the Indian Navy will conduct flight trials of Rafale-Maritime fighter at Shore Based Test Facility at INS Hansa in Goa on January 6 onwards as part of its exercise to identify the best warplaneContinue Reading

According to a YouGov poll in 2016, 43 percent of British citizens thought the existence of the British Empire was a “good thing,” while only 19 percent disagreed. It’s a myth that British imperialism benefited one of its richest colonies, India when on the contrary it drained all its wealth andContinue Reading

Fusion reactions make the stars shine and give the hydrogen bomb its terrible destructive power. Fusion research started in the 1950s when scientists realized that controlled thermonuclear fusion reactions in the laboratory would open a path to unlimited and safe nuclear energy. As a result, many countries began building fusionContinue Reading