Who is CJ Werleman?
This is what he calls himself in his website:
“CJ Werleman is a journalist, published author, political commentator, and activist who has dedicated his journalism career to exposing discrimination and injustices against Muslim communities around the world. Insights the mainstream media too often ignores.
He is a global correspondent for Byline Times, Columnist for Inside Arabia. In the past he had authored many articles for Salon and Alternet.
CJ Werleman – a fake news peddler and terrorist Sympathizer
CJ Werleman is not a journalist. He is a thug who instigate communal violence by tweaking facts and Videos for his career. He is a fake news peddler, a person with no moral values, an unethical author whose work is nothing but plagiarism, habitual liar and hate monger who earns money through Sensationalism. By manipulating the facts and videos he creates fake incidences of violence against Muslims and instigates hatred between Muslim and non-Muslim community around the world through his fake news.
He is the mouthpiece of Al-Qaeda that unleashed Terror in US and responsible for Sep 11 Attack. He is also mouthpiece of ISIS and spreads communal disharmony in USA, Australia, Israel, Palestine, India, China, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. He fools his followers through fake news and videos and many Muslims around the world and Christians in India are falling prey to his hatred.
CJ Werleman who migrated to United States from Sydney, Australia calls himself as Journalist who exposes injustices against Muslim communities through the world. The surprising fact is that he has been a self-confessed Islamophobe in his early career. So, how did he become exposer of so-called atrocities on Muslims?
So here is the story:
CJ Werleman’s Sensationalism Tactics
He studied Journalism and English as his major. What do you do if you want to become a successful Journalist, but your career is a failure? Use Sensationalism tactics. In 2005, he witnessed the twin suicide bomb attacks on Bali’s Jimbaran Beach by ISIS. Exploiting this opportunity, he started his self-confessed Islamophobic rhetorics and started unleashing hatred against the Muslim community. He actively tweeted with abusive words on Muslims to gain popularity.
CJ Werleman’s fake authorship and International Worst Seller books
He wrote a book “God Hates you, hate him back” in Oct 2009 which is claimed as International Best Seller. This book is neither listed in any of the Best Seller listi in Internet nor there is any trusted information on how many copies are sold. His book in Amazon.com has got only 258 reviewsii and when we compare it with Chetan Bhagat’s Five point someone which was a best seller with Million copies sold, it got 1859 reviews and 1359 global ratings. How could a best seller have such low reviews and not listed in any best seller list. Not just this book, but all his books have very low reviews.
His other books include – Jesus lied, He was only Human
Why does CJ Werleman adopt Plagiarism and indulge in creating Fake videos
How do you write books and articles when you don’t have an in-depth understanding of the subject? CJ Werleman’s tactics is to select existing articles, copy and fill up with his hearsay information. His writings were found to be plagiarized and reported by several people, especially by Dr Peter Boghossian who cited his plagiarism from various authors like Fareed Zakaria, William Broyles, Jr Robert Pape, and Eduardo Porteriii
If you want to cover wide range of political issues across the globe from Israel vs Palestine to China’s Uighur Muslim issues to Indian Muslims, but you have no idea of the local regional politics, then create your own news through Fake Videos, twisting the facts and leverage isolated or irrelevant sensational issues and report it as Muslim oppression.
Traditionally, Journalist visit many places to interview local people to report the local issues, but he comments on other countries local issues sitting in US through his fake news and videos without any understanding of the local issues.
CJ Werleman – A serial plagiarizer
CJ Werleman’s books and articles are full of plagiarism. He cites no articles or publishers in his work and sometimes he does a blatant cut and copy from others text. Cited below are some of his plagiarism reported in Internet with courtesy to The Daily Banter iv
Instance No 1
Instance No 2
Instance No 3
Instance No 4
Instance No 5
A plagiarism check on his book Koran Curious on Grammarly.com, thanks to Grammarly.com, revealed that his book is found to be having significant plagiarism.
Kuran Curious is full of Plagiarism as checked in Grammarly
Alternet apologizes for publishing Plagiarized work of CJ W
In 2014, Alternet regretted for publishing his articles that were taken directly from ‘other sources and presented as his own ideas. v
CJ Werleman journey from Islamophobia to Muslim Sympathizer
CJ Werleman became Muslim sympathizer from an Islamophobic. The reason that he provides is completely absurd. The story – CJ Werleman Keeps Changing His “From Islamophobe to Defender of Muslims”vi published in IsraellyCool. The reality is that he found Sensationalism an opportunity for his career. Since then, he has been indulged in spreading fake news to instigate Muslims against other communities.
One who had so much of hatred towards Muslim and Islam claims that after reading Quran he became defender of Muslims. Any sane person won’t buy-in this logic. This proves that he is an opportunistic person who shamelessly says that he defends a community against whom he had earlier spread hatred and this also proves that he goes to any extent to build his career.
CJ Werleman mouthpiece of Islamic Terrorist outfits and a danger to the Humanity
One of the main objectives of Islamic Terrorist outfits like ISIS is that they want to convert every country into an Islamic state. While they could achieve this by taking over countries with Poor economic and defense like Afghanistan, they could not do much progress in the Western Countries and Developed countries like Singapore, China, and India.
So, their strategy is to work with various Islamic Organization in each country and influence them. Another strategy is paid Journalism to spread hatred in these countries to destabilize the economy and make them fragile. He is one such mouthpiece for ISIS to destabilize such countries.
His connection with Islamic terrorist outfits like ISIS and Al-Qaeda have been exposed in various media.
Below are some of the sites that exposed his controversial connections: –
His connection with Terror spokesman Abu Suleyman Al Muhajir, a senior member of Al-Qaeda’s Al Nusra Frontvii
He glorified a UK designated Terrorist who is apparently his friend viii
His connection with Terrorists were exposed by Al Qaeda thanking himix and, he is supporting war on Syriax
Courtesy: threadreaderapp.com
CJ Werleman’s Strategy and his Fake News Factory
His strategy to earn money is by indulging such sensitive issues, creating fake news and videos to gain more audience. Citing his contribution to defending Muslims, he asks for donations in peanuts covering a large base of users. Minimize Profits and Maximize Sales is his strategy. He has setup various portals seeking for donation.
His strategy to gain attention through Sensationalism is to look for sensitive issues and collect facts and videos, tweak or morph and spread the hatred. He provides a communal angle especially involving Muslims to defend his fake objective of supporting Muslims.
He targets especially Jews, Christians, and Hindus.
CJ Werleman’s absurd and biased views
He often makes absurd views that exposes his bias.
His various articles with misrepresented facts of RSS to show it as Hindu terror outfit and commentary on his blog – Atheist Writer Says Christian Conservatives Are a Bigger Threat Than ISIS explains his motive.xi
Islamic apologist CJ Werleman says the Taliban is more progressive and democratic than Indian governmentxii
List of fake news by CJ Werleman
Below is the list of articles in Internet exposing his tactics of misrepresentation to spread hatred. Not to bore the readers, we are limiting to few of his fake news.
CJ Werleman Spreads Fake News, Claims Hindu Men Destroyed a Muslim Graveyardxiii –
Radical Islam apologist CJ Werleman dehumanizes deceased boy Harsha as ‘terrorist’xiv
CJ Werleman posts a fake video claiming Hindutva fanatics destroying 25 Muslim owned businesses and property in Aurangabad on 25 Marchxv
CJ Werleman posted some photos with the claim that thousands of Neo-Nazis took to the streets in Warsaw, Poland to protest Muslims, Jews, and feminists. but these are the images of People of Poland celebrating Poland’s Independence Dayxvi
CJ Werleman uploaded a video on June 6, 2020, with the claim that a Rajasthan cop brutally beats a man for not wearing a mask. He also tried to give it a Hindu Muslim angle by claiming it to be Indian police brutality against Muslims. The person whose FIR was registered name is Mukesh Kumar Prajapat, and he does not belong to Muslim religious minority.xvii
CJ Werleman has deleted his tweet with a fake video of a supposed Chinese “concentration camp” for Uyghurs, which was just Chinese women in a factory. The absurd disinformation from his account is archived here: https://archive.fo/bX8fXxviii
In August 2018, he took to Twitter to wrongly claim that the BJP had banned the slaughter of livestock during Eid. Werlemen also claimed that the Police Officer was forcing an Imam to declare “Qurbani is a punishable crime” to his followers in the video that he had attached. It turned out to be a fake one.xix
Werlemen used a video depicting the violence during the Bhima-Koregaon clashes in Maharashtra and claimed that it, in fact, showed Hindus destroying Muslim property.xx
CJ Werleman shared a video on Twitter, trying to showcase the real situation in Jammu and Kashmir after the abrogation of Jammu and Kashmir. In his video, he made some unverified claims and used some old pictures and video clips to show a different situation in state and mislead peoplexxi
CJ Werleman wrote on Twitter, “They showed a video of them attacking other Muslims and then forced him to chant Hindu slogans while threatening him with a gun.” The Ghaziabad Police shared their official statement to this fake news in reply to the tweetxxii
Journalist C J Werleman posts a morphed photo of Israel and UAE rugby playersxxiii
Fake news by CJ Werleman – Fake News Alert: Emirates did not fire pilot for refusing to fly to Israelxxiv
Fake alert – CJ Werleman tweets old video to claim clashes between Kashmiri locals and security forcesxxv
. He falsely claimed that a Muslim youth was beaten and forced to eat pork by Hindu Extremists in Delhi.xxvi
FACT CHECK: Assam mob lynching victim is not Muslim, news shared with false communal spinxxvii
Video Shared with False Claim That RSS Worker Beat a Kashmiri Child – CJ Deletes the tweetxxviii
“Journalist” CJ Werleman Deletes Lie but Makes No Apology for Tweeting It to Begin With xxix
Israel Hater CJ Werleman Caught Lying Yet Againxxx
In nutshell he is a disgrace to Journalism and a threat to Humanity. He is a terrorist under disguise of a journalist, and it is time for international community to punish him for his contribution to Terrorism.
Citations and References
i List of Best Sellers from Internet
ii Review comments of CJ Werleman’s book vs other books
vi CJ Werleman Keeps Changing His “From Islamophobe to Defender of Muslims” Origin Story – Israellycool
x https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbXxFc9X0AEHH_z.jpg
xi https://thedailybanter.com/2014/09/30/atheist-writer-says-christian-conservatives-are-more-of-a-threat-than-isis/
xii https://robertspencer.org/2021/11/islamic-apologist-cj-werleman-says-the-taliban-is-more-progressive-and-democratic-than-indian-government
xiii https://www.opindia.com/2021/09/the-print-columnist-shares-fake-news-that-hindus-destroyed-muslim-graveyard/
xix https://www.opindia.com/2018/08/u-s-based-anti-india-propagandist-spreads-lies-on-twitter-again-up-police-refutes-his-claims/
xx https://www.opindia.com/2019/04/the-print-shekhar-gupta-cj-werleman-crusader-islamophobia/
xxi https://facthunt.in/posts/723/Fact-Check-of-viral-video-tweeted-by-CJ-Werleman-showing-situation-in-Jammu-and-Kashmir
xxii https://www.republicworld.com/india-news/general-news/ghaziabad-police-replied-to-every-fake-news-tweet-heres-proof-its-screams-went-unheard.html
xxiii https://factonews.co/journalist-c-j-werleman-posts-a-morphed-photo-of-israel-and-uae-rugby-players/
xxvi Muslim youth beaten and forced to eat pork by Hindu Extremists: Police denies it and ruled out communal angle (facthunt.in)
xxvii http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/83547087.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst
- CJ Werleman: A Jihadi Terror Sympathizer Masquerading as Journalist - March 28, 2022