
In Sanatana Dharma, devotion can either be Saguna ( God perceived with attributes) or Nirguna (Without attributes). Nirguna aaraadhana is performed through meditative contemplation, and might be difficult for the uninitiated. Hence the more widely performed form of devotion, is Saguna Aaraadhana, in which the divine principle is perceived withContinue Reading

Devi Saraswati - Vasant Panchami-79cc42d3

Vasanta Panchami or Basant Panchami festival heralds the arrival of spring in India, Vasanta Ritu. After winter solstice, the sun starts its northward journey from the tropic of Capricorn, Uttarayana. With this, winter slowly ebbs and warmer days begin to arrive. Vasanta Ritu – A change in Season Vasanta Ritu is welcomed in the northern parts of India whichContinue Reading